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New Jade Egg

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New Jade Egg

Product Size- Height: 5.5cm , Width : 3.5cm NEW JADE EGG , is also known as Serpentine, it assists to soothe the emotional body, release fear of change and hardship helping us to look to the future with a positive outlook. It contains the history of the Earth, the fairy domains and Devic realms of the planet. It helps us to connect with the heart and mind of Nature. It is believed to help regulate cellular regeneration and replenish energy. It has been traditionally used for Kundalini activation and clearing blocked energy centres. Serpentine, also known as New Jade, derives its name from the Latin word serpentis meaning snake like referring to the resemblance these green stones have to snake skin. This stone was used by the Romans to protect them from sorcery and was believed to protect against parasites, snakebite, venom and poison.